The company’s new initiatives include monthly marketing plans created in house and a digital reputation management program to monitor an advisor's Net Promoter Score.
Selling an investment product based on the idea of tracking an index creates a paradox; too much deviation subverts the purported benefits of direct indexing.
According to the commission, Alexandra H. Cock and her firm Wealth Plus raised more than $2.5 million in securities in two real estate invesment management companies that defrauded investors of millions of dollars.
LPL's head of advisor M&A discusses what is driving the recent frenzy in mergers and acquisitions, what to look for in buyers or merger partners, and the best post-transaction practices to ensure a successful integration.
Part 2 of this two-part series explores what drives value and how to build a business that will be 'attractive' to acquirers and garner the highest valuation.