Step into healing your family relationships this month.

Dear friends,

Welcome to the start of the holiday season--which is why we are focusing on friends and family this month. I hear from so many of you who struggle with family relationships that can leave you feeling depleted and unsure of your next steps. Indeed our familial relationships can be some of the most confusing and complicated that we will experience. We all know by now that these difficult relationships can be our best teachers, but there also comes a time when we need to get to a place of peace. This will look different to all of us depending on our circumstances.

Each of our paths will be different, and we may all need a different approach to reaching what we feel is a good outcome. I'm grateful there are so many wonderful and healing modalities available to help aid us in a resolution that best suits our needs. Please know that the perfect family doesn't really exist. In this age of Internet perfection (where everything is faked and Photoshopped), we may be led to believe that perfection exists in every family but your own. In reality, every family can have drama, and it is up to us how we respond to it. All we really have control over is our response.

Know that there is always help available to either repair these relationships or help you navigate the often stormy waters. I have listed below several courses we offer in the genre of family wellness. As we head into this holiday season with our families, I hope that you can put some of these tools into practice in your own life. Use your sacred friendships to help keep you strong, and hold space for you along the way.

Combating Emotional Vampires by Dr. Judith Orloff. This is a six-week online course with 14 lessons that help you learn how to recognize if you are being emotionally sapped by another person and how to deal with it. Included are practical advice and action steps to help you protect and rid yourself of people who are not good for you. There are also meditations to help you stay centered. more info

Protect Yourself From Control Dramas by Dr. Jody Janati. This is an eight-week online course designed to help you identify as well as protect yourself from common control dramas that arise when people become defensive. Learn to recognize these behaviors: intimidator, poor me, interrogator, and aloof. Also included are a step-by-step guide to three successful techniques and 101 things to say and do. more info

Release Yourself From Family Karma by Sara Wiseman. This four-week online course will teach you about the seven karmic shadows that are written into our family histories. You will be guided through healing the shadows that are present for you in your family line. When you are finished with the course, you can expect to experience shifts in the way you think about your family. more info

Letting Go With Forgiveness by Ana Holub. Receive a new course each week for eight weeks. Some of the topics covered are getting past denial and distraction, the wisdom of forgiveness, unwinding limiting beliefs that aren't true, releasing pain from your emotional body, learning your soul lessons with gratitude, and so much more. more info

I know this isn't the most fun topic in the world, but it is so necessary. Thank you for continuing to do the hard work and continuing to improve your life and shed the old. Not only does this help yourself and your family, but it helps everybody around you and, eventually, the whole. Have a wonderful month and happy Thanksgiving to those in America.

Be well,

Madisyn Taylor