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News & Analysis on Food & Beverage Development - Europe24-Sep-2021
Brighten Meals with Colorful Condiments
Brighten Meals with Colorful Condiments
Elevate the sensory experience in soups, sauces, and dressings with natural coloring solutions. Read more on the growing trend of cooking at home and support condiments with vibrant looks that amplify trending flavor profiles... click here
New meat analogue developed with ‘less salt, fat, and more flavour than real meat’
Researchers in Lithuania and Finland say a new plant-based product made with soybean pulp, otherwise known as okara, has the potential to change the meat analogue landscape.... Read more
European imports behind much of world’s food production emissions, reveal new data
Imported goods into Europe account for much of the world’s food-related greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, according to fresh research.... Read more
Cell-cultured coffee developed in Europe: ‘We have proved lab-grown coffee can be a reality’
Europe’s first cup of joe developed from cellular agriculture has been brewed in Finland, with both taste and smell hitting the mark.... Read more
Vertical farming meets personalised nutrition for the ‘kitchen garden’ of the future
A new project wants to bring vertical farming and personalised nutrition into people’s homes by developing ‘kitchen gardens’ that meet individual dietary needs.... Read more
Protein intake doesn’t impact microbial diversity, new research argues
Animal protein intake is associated with a worsened metabolic status and Type 2 Diabetes but there is no significant association with gut microbiome composition, according to new research.... Read more
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FoodNavigator-USA Interactive Series 2021 | Oct 13 - 27
FoodNavigator-USA Interactive Series 2021 | Oct 13 - 27
FoodNavigator-USA returns with another interactive broadcast series this October. We’ll be exploring the current state of the meat and dairy alternative market, where things might go next and much more... click here
Big food still ‘hooked’ on junk: ShareAction vows to turn up the heat on unhealthy food makers
New research reveals that 71% of UK sales at 16 of the largest food and beverage manufacturers are generated by unhealthy products. ShareAction warns that companies should expect increased investor activism on the topic.... Read more
Food leaders advance alternative protein development
The alternative protein market explodes with a wave of innovation in taste, texture and formats to meet uncompromising demands for protein-mimicking market offerings.... Read more
Nutri-Score does not blight image of olive oil, finds survey
Despite criticism from producers that Nutri-Score’s ‘C’ ranking of olive oil penalises the product, fresh research out of Spain suggests the nutrition labelling scheme does not negatively impact consumer perception, nor intention to purchase.... Read more
What do consumers think about food additives? Survey
Results of a new survey in Germany suggest many consumers are concerned about possible health effects associated with food additives, while at the same time expressing a lack of knowledge about such ingredients.... Read more
‘Hybrids are coming’: Making the case for cell-cultured and plant-based blends
Move over meat and plant-based blends, a new hybrid is in town. Or it will be soon, according to industry experts, who believe ‘the perfect match’ of cell-cultured and plant-based ingredients is headed for regulatory approval and market entry.... Read more
Musim Mas, AAK and Nestlé collaborate on deforestation outside concession areas
Palm oil producer Musim Mas, oil supplier AAK and branded manufacturer Nestlé are collaborating to tackle deforestation outside concession areas in Aceh, Indonesia.... Read more
Europe forecasts historically low wine harvest
Challenging climatic conditions in southern Europe are expected to lead to a significantly lower wine harvest.... Read more
Supply chain action and impact
Food and beverage manufacturers are assessing where they can reduce their impact on climate in a cost-effective manner, in line with the Paris Agreement. Counting the carbon cost of their own operations and that of their supply chains, the F&B sector is leveraging innovative approaches...
Sustainable consumption shift - Part I
Consumption is at the heart of a transition to a more sustainable food system. Increasingly savvy and sustainability-minded shoppers are helping speed the pace of change and consumer demand is shaping what areas of action will have the biggest impact at scale. But sticking points...
Sustainable consumption shift - Part II
Consumption is at the heart of a transition to a more sustainable food system. Increasingly savvy and sustainability-minded shoppers are helping speed the pace of change and consumer demand is shaping what areas of action will have the biggest impact at scale. But sticking points...
Innovation for system transformation
Urgent changes to how we produce and consume food are needed today. But what innovation will shape the future of the food system? From biotech to digital, we’ll be profiling the cutting-edge science that will shape the food system of tomorrow.
Create healthy dairy alternatives to win over consumers’ hearts and minds
Wondering what’s the next breakthrough with plant-based yogurts? Consumers have numerous expectations on their free-from dairy yogurts, ranging from recognizable ingredients to no added sugar, enriched protein and lower fat contents. All without compromising on an indulgent eating experience and having an eye on the...
What’s Next for Sustainable Agriculture?
Across the food and agriculture supply chain, stakeholders are coming together to find new ways to ensure food security, advance sustainable development, address climate change, and safeguard biodiversity. This session will explore how producers, NGOs, governments and more are working together to launch new solutions,...
Solutions for new plant-based dairy alternatives
In this editorial webinar, we look at plant-based dairy alternatives to see what’s new, what’s making the end products better, and what’s appealing to the end consumer.
Honey Essential: How Essential is it to ensure Honey Authenticity?
NEXCO is a globally recognized specialist in honey processing and trade. This webinar outlines NEXCO’s approach to honey authentication, exploring how the company employs NMR technology and the FoodScreener Essential from Bruker in its analysis. Using a series of best practice approaches and real-world examples...
Healthy Living - Speak to consumer minds and discover solutions that can help you stay active during all phases of life ALREADY REGISTERED?
Healthy ageing is probably the biggest market opportunity (now more than ever) for the food industry. So why are food and beverage products for seniors hard to find on store shelves? It’s a sensitive subject, that’s why. Nevertheless, don’t miss out on this opportunity! Find...
What's next in 'healthier for you' protein coatings
This webcast is hosted by Griffith Foods whose experts will take you on a journey to better understand coatings for protein and alternative protein substrates.
New cocoa fruit juice concentrate available for food professionals
French premium chocolate manufacturer Valrhona has joined forces with the Swiss-Ghanaian start-up Koa to create Oabika, a new cocoa fruit juice concentrate for chefs and other gastronomy professionals.... Read more
CO2 crisis highlighted ‘need for more localised food systems’
The UK was facing warnings of food shortages, and even the prospect of a cancelled Christmas, after CF Industries, which supplies most of the CO2 used in the county’s food production, stopped work at two of its fertiliser factories because of gas prices.... Read more
Wholebake and Deeside Cereals merge to form a new player in better-for-you snack bar and cereal space
A new entity is about to emerge in the healthy food manufacturing space, following the acquisition of Wholebake and Deeside Cereals by private equity firm Elysian Capital.... Read more
Greenwashing: competition watchdog puts UK businesses on notice
The UK’s Competition and Markets Authority has published a ‘Green Claims Code’ to help businesses ensure their green claims do not deceive their customers.... Read more
‘We must go further’... Nestlé invests a billion euros in regenerative agricultural push
Nestlé has launched a Sustainability Promise to advance regenerative food systems at scale.... Read more
 NPD Trend Tracker: From Garden Gourmet's UK return to 'cookies with benefits'
This week's launches take in Nestlé's revamped Garden Gourmet launch in the UK; Wholey Moley's ‘cookies with benefits’, and Aunt Bessie's ‘crispiest’ and ‘fluffiest’ roast potatoes yet.... See more
Don’t have a cow? Perfect Day lifecycle assessment underscores sustainability benefits of animal-free dairy proteins
Berkeley-based startup Perfect Day has underscored its sustainability credentials with the release of an expanded lifecycle assessment suggesting its ‘non-animal’ whey protein - produced by microbes, not cows – has a dramatically lower environmental footprint than animal-derived whey protein.... Read more
‘Fibre is the new protein’: Food brands lead push to boost fibre intakes
With only 9% of adults getting the recommended amount of dietary fibre a day, the UK’s Food and Drink Federation has launched a new initiative to boost the nation’s fibre consumption. But what’s the best way to make this health-boosting substance an appetizing option for shoppers? And is there a genuine gap in the market for high-fibre foods?... Read more
A Guide to the Top 10 Trends in Beverage Packaging
Improve the taste of reduced-sugar beverages
Lay the foundation for optimal ice cream stability
With increasing regulation in the use of artificial food colors today, learn about the hurdles and opportunities that lie ahead.
Why Food and Beverage Companies are “Pigging”
Quench today’s thirst for less added sugars
19 Pocket Cards with Essential Kjeldahl Knowledge
Yeast, progressive solutions for taste modulation in plant-based applications
Capture attention with bold, vibrant color.
Traceability: A Critical Area for Food & Beverage
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