July 30, 2019
Dear Valued Reader,

The latest ad for Motley Fool Rule Breakers has this as the headline:  "Tech Insider's Prediction Will Give You Goose Bumps: 'This is the largest growth in the history of humans.'"
And ,of course, we would all like to get rich from the next huge growth story -- this one is related to 5G, but it's not exactly a 5G stock (they call it a "Hidden 5G Superstar"), so that's part of the story... and not to spoil the surprise, but there's also news coming tomorrow, so let's read up now to be ready -- I'll share the stock name and my thoughts with you if you'll click below to...

A Wall Street legend whom millions have seen on Fox Business, CNBC and Bloomberg TV just made a prediction that has stunned the business world. WARNING: What he says contradicts everything you’re hearing from Wall Street and the Main Street media. If you want to see how to make a fortune in 2019, it’s important you watch this interview right away.


I've gotten a bunch of questions about a couple oldies but goodies this week, so yesterday I thought I'd check up on those and maybe update them a bit for you -- especially because both of those ads are promising some earth-shaking changes this week, Ray Blanco's "life-changing marijuana payday" is supposed to be August 1, and Jeff Siegel's "Day Zero" that will be the most profitable day in the history of mankind is supposed to be August 4. 

Balderdash?  Yeah, probably, but do those days mean anything?  Is there any truth behind the hype?  Those updated stories are the top two articles on StockGumshoe.com right now, so just click below to see if either of them floats your boat.

Stock Gumshoe | travis@stockgumshoe.com | www.stockgumshoe.com
351 Pleasant St., Suite B #205, Northampton, MA 01060
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