October 19, 2022
Dear Valued Reader,

This is the first new tease I've seen from Motley Fool Stock Advisor in a while... so it's at least nice to have something fresh to chew on, not a repeat.  They're pitching a company that they say is "probably the most important in the world", responsible for all the cutting edge chips that go into consumer and military hardware, and we always do love a good monopoly... so what's the stock?  Just click below for the Thinkolator results and...

Here in America, we see inflation rising, the dollar declining... and the highest debt in history. And this comes at a time when almost everyone has a friend (or a friend of a friend) — who has become a millionaire. Chances are, you are NOT currently investing in this sector — and that's a huge mistake. Because there are 5 easy ways to get started with the hottest sector of digital currencies (it's like getting in on Bitcoin when it was $1,000).

This "America's Last Stand" video proves it all [watch it here before it gets taken down].


Stop me if you've heard this one before, but Nick Hodge says that "nobody konws about America's biggest gold discovery" ... except for him, of course, and his $1,999 subscribers. 

Yes, that's the same claim he has made in many of his past pitches -- but this time it's a different company, and a different gold mine.  Who's he teasing?  What's the reality?  Thinkolator results are just a moment away, click below to...

Stock Gumshoe | travis@stockgumshoe.com | www.stockgumshoe.com
351 Pleasant St., Suite B #205, Northampton, MA 01060
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