April 20, 2021
Dear Valued Reader,

We're all primed to look for the next exciting cloud story, the next Shopify... so when the folks who introduced us to Shopify promise that they've found something bigger, my ears perk up a litte.  That's where we point the Thinkolator today, straight north as we look for the Motley Fool Stock Advisor Canada's "obscure Canadian company" that they say is 'taking over silicon valley, one device at at time."  What's the stock that they teased this morning, and what's the story?  Just click below to...

Had you put $2,000 into Microsoft at its IPO more than 30 years ago…you’d now have about $1.96 million. But one crypto investor turned his initial $8,500 stake into $7.5 million! Crypto is where it’s at, and there’s a simple way to start getting in on the action without having to be a crypto expert. 

Click here to see what it’s all about.


Miss anything in the world of Gumshoe last week?  

The most-discussed article, probably no surprise, was my look at the long-running "ID Coin" pitch from the Stansberry folks -- so, is there really one coin to rule them all?  I think we all know better than that, but click here for my take.

We started the week with a look at the "Imperium" pitch from Adom O'Dell -- it's all about the "199,000% DNA Mega Trend" and, of course, is oh-so-mysterious.  Click here for answers from the Thinkolator.

And Jason Simpkins is pitching a tiny 20-cent stock (not really) that "won the war against COVID-19" and has something to do with some new Apple patents.  My take is here.

Then it was a time for another Motley Fool pick from one of their expensive services... this time, an Agtech "radar stock" that they think has 268X growth potential.  Thinkolator answer here.

And we closed things out with the Friday File... I started with a quick look at my returns versus the S&P 500 benchmark, but then it’s on to buys, sells and commentary, including about Coinbase and a few of my clunkers... just click below for that...

Stock Gumshoe | travis@stockgumshoe.com | www.stockgumshoe.com
351 Pleasant St., Suite B #205, Northampton, MA 01060
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