October 2, 2023
Dear Valued Reader,

Ads for Motley Fool Stock Advisor have recently been touting that there's a little company they want to tell you about, one where they've already invested $1.5 million, and recommended it 14 times, but think the opportunity remains huge for this company that "most investors have still never even heard of"... so what's the stock, and what's the story?  Just click below to...

As the world suffers an oil shock… And gas prices rip higher…

One tiny company could have the answer to the global energy crisis. It’s using AI to crack open the largest untapped energy source on the planet… 5X larger than the biggest oil field on Earth.

Act fast, this $8 stock could be moments away from appreciating considerably.


Miss anything in the annals of Gumshoe last week?  Let's catch you up...

We started with a look at "Peak Gold" and a junior miner that Luke Burgess was teasing, dangling the potential of 5,600% gains.

Then it was on to a promo from Porter Stansberry about the "Big A.I. Die Up", which is the first time I've seen someone compare artifiical intelligence to barbed wire... he's got several "trade of the decade" special report stocks, and we took a shot at ID'ing those for you.

We swerved back to "income" with our next inquiry, looking into what Jim Pearce has been calling the "#1 Income Investment for Uncertain Times" -- apparently, Buffett wants to buy 1% of it for $25 billion?  (not really)

For the Friday File this week I spend a little time revisiting Warren Buffett’s lesson about Ben Graham’s “Mr. Market,” dig into a new teaser about a current activist target that Michael Burry owns, and follow up on some reader questions about Brookfield Corp (BN), particularly what looks in the GAAP accounting like an unusually high debt balance relative to earnings, and explain why I’m not worried about those particular numbers.  Just click below for the details...

Stock Gumshoe | travis@stockgumshoe.com | www.stockgumshoe.com
351 Pleasant St., Suite B #205, Northampton, MA 01060
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