From: Stock Gumshoe<>
Subject: What's being teased by Tom Gardner?
Preheader: Checking up on the Motley Fool's "Total Conviction" pitch
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March 12, 2018
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Dear Valued Reader,

Have you seen the ads from the Motley Fool talking up the "Ticking Time Bomb" that's being faced by cable TV?  They've got a stock they think will benefit, which is one of their "Total Conviction" recommendations and, they say, looks like a pre-IPO Facebook.  That enough hype for you?  Wait, there's more!  We've got a lovely little Thinkolator answer to the riddle for you, just click below to...

My #1 stock is a company that makes baking soda, kitty litter & deodorant. Boring! But it has been making money hand over fist since 1846. I’ve got 7 more stocks just like it that could turn $100k into $1 million. Get the full story in your free video.


The most-requested piece last week was also the most-discussed teaser solution -- not everyone loves marijuana, but it's certainly a hot area of speculation, and Jimmy Mengel is talking up his "Silicon Valley of Pot" and a special stock he calls the "Apple of Pot."  What's the story there?  Thinkolator results are right here.

We also looked into a teaser pitch about something called "Charged Ore" this week -- sounds mysterious, no?  Apparently, there's a special mine that's going to be built in Nebraska to supply this stuff to an energy-hungry world... so what is it?  Thinkolator answers are here.

I've also gotten a lot of questions this week about the latest Marijuana Manifesto teaser campaign from Jimmy Mengel -- it's headlined the "Silicon Valley of Pot" and promises that he has identified a new company (the "Apple of Pot") that sells a secret weed product and might see booming sales as attention returns to the sector this July 1.  So what's the story?  If you don't feel like ponying up $2,000 for his subscription but are still a bit curious,ride along with us and see what the Thinkolator has to say.

A lot of you might remember a teaser ad that ran last year that introduced us to the term "Halo-Fi" -- and we're getting tons of questions about it this week, so we've pulled up that older piece and updated it a bit... is Ray Blanco still teasing the same "$7 internet" stock as he was last year?  Have things changed?  What's that March 31 deadline?  Answers here.

And while we're on the topic of "oldies but goodies," the "$2 Million Startup" from Dr. Kent Moors' favorite entrepreneur is being promoted pretty heavily again -- we covered that originally in a Friday File for the Irregulars a while back, but recently opened it up for anyone to read here.

Finally, my blatheration drew to a close for the week with my usual Friday File for our favorite people... this week I didn't buy or sell anythign in the Real Money Portfolio, but there's plenty of news, from Buffett to Gold to Cobalt to scam artists... the well never seems to run dry.  You canread that Friday File here.

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