MD Anderson Cancer Center
Make your holiday gift to honor someone special
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Make your holiday gift to honor someone special

The holiday spirit is about caring, and there’s nothing more heartfelt than showing support for someone you love.

If you have someone special in your life who has been touched by cancer, why not make a gift in their name? Your gift will demonstrate your dedication to ending this disease.

Please show your support today to give people facing cancer a second chance at life. I can’t think of a better gift this season than Making Cancer History®.

Your support brings hope to more families like Sabrina's. Our specialists at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center declared Sabrina cancer-free at age 16. Six years later, she's graduating from college.

Through it all, Sabrina had a positive outlook. "Laughing is the best medicine in my experience," she says. Imagine the hope and healing your support could inspire.

Make your tax-deductible gift now to honor survivors like Sabrina, others affected by cancer or someone you know and love. You’ll not only show them you care, but you’ll also help get us closer to the day we #endcancer.

Best holiday wishes,

Darrow Zeidenstein

Darrow Zeidenstein, Ph.D.
Senior Vice President and Chief Development Officer