Give in honor of 20 years
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MIT OpenCourseWare @ 20 email header

Dear John,

When OCW was first announced, education was just meeting the internet, and tools like YouTube were still a few years away. 

Today, we’ve published 2,500 MIT courses on the OCW website and over 6,000 course videos on our YouTube channel.

The pace of knowledge and technology isn’t letting up, and neither is OpenCourseWare. As the ways we learn change, your support helps us evolve. Will you be one of the donors OCW needs during our 20th anniversary campaign? 

Support OCW Today

We want more people using, sharing, and creating knowledge and ideas, so that today’s pioneers and problem solvers can get to work. 

Every gift supports our goal of making more MIT resources readily available at your fingertips.

Thank you for your support.

Krishna Rajagopal
Dean for Digital Learning
William A. M. Burden Professor of Physics

Learner quote: "20 years of OCW has empowered me with the knowledge of 200 years of science delivered by the pioneers and trailblazers of humanity, without discriminating against my financial status or having any sort of barriers." -Kshitij, University Student, India
Public domain image courtesy of RANT 73 - Visual Storyteller on Flickr. Course homepage image for Ethics for Engineers: Artificial Intelligence on OCW.
OCW is part of MIT Open Learning's efforts to transform teaching and learning at MIT and beyond.
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