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The depression wasn't genetic. Her despair had to do with her mom's death wish for her. She finally decides not to let her mom's old feelings bother her. She writes down her resolution in a notebook—and immediately feels her mom's spirit in the room. Her dad's spirit also comes through, and she senses that they have been waiting for this resolution of hers in order to leave her. But her mother has something else to get off her chest. She wants forgiveness in order to be released, but Ahmed doesn't think it's her place to forgive her. But she does release her mom from any harm that she might have done to her. And just like that, the spirits depart. Ahmed explains that she felt she didn't have the power to forgive her mom because of the slightly older infant sister who probably died because of her mother's actions.
Editor's note: We are often approached by other businesses with special offers for our readers. While many don’t make the cut, the message below is one we believe deserves your consideration.