          N°25: #forpeace
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Liebe Freunde von foraus
Viele Personen bei foraus sind zutiefst bestürzt über die aktuellen Ereignisse in der Ukraine. Internationale Normen und Abkommen werden in Frage, die Diplomatie auf eine harte Probe gestellt. Wir sind froh über die rasche Reaktion grosser Teile der Weltgemeinschaft, mit dem Ziel den Frieden so schnell wie möglich herzustellen. Auch die Schweiz nimmt ihre internationale Verantwortung wahr. Unsere Gedanken sind diese Tage bei der Bevölkerung der Ukraine.

foraus versucht, in seiner Funktion als Grassroot Think Tank, das zu tun, was es am Besten kann: den Ideenaustausch und den Dialog innerhalb seiner Gemeinschaft zu fördern und der Zivilgesellschaft eine Stimme zu geben. Aus diesem Grund organisieren unsere Mitglieder verschiedene Veranstaltungen und auf unserer Diskussionsplattform Policy Kitchen führen wir unter “Russia-Ukraine conflict: which way forward?” eine Diskussionen zu verschiedenen Aspekten des Konflikts. Wir laden alle herzlich dazu ein sich an dieser Diskussion mit ihrem Gedanken und Ideen zu beteiligen. 

Mit besorgten Grüssen

Anna Stünzi

Cécile Rivière

foraus in den Medien 
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Die foraus-Community

v.l.n.r: Unsere AutorInnen Daniel Wiener, Sébastien Chahidi und Anna Stünzi mit den NationalrätInnen Samuel Bendahan, Roland Fischer, Gerhard Andrey und Doris Fiala an der Medienkonferenz der Publikation Swiss Green Investment Bank. 

Wir gratulieren!

Project news of the month 
Policy Kitchen Challenge: Russia-Ukraine conflict: which way forward?
2022 finally back to normal? With President Putin's decision to launch an attack of Ukrainian territory by Russian troops last week - this hope has sadly vanished. While the consequences for populations on the ground are disastrous, other foreign policy certainties are being replaced at fast pace by the new reality we find ourselves in. In this context we decided to create the open discussion forum Russia-Ukraine conflict: which way forward? on Policy Kitchen. Anyone can participate and share constructive ideas on what could be done to mitigate negative consequences. We very appreciate your inputs, thoughts and ideas.

Global lab - learning and exchanging with experts in Geneva around noncommunicable diseases
Did you know that noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) are amongst the greatest public health challenges worldwide, being responsible for the death of 41 million people each year? In our first Global lab edition, we will explore socioeconomic and environmental factors causing NCDs and co-write a policy brief answering the question: How could the multilateral system contribute to achieving a world without noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) by 2050? Join us for an exchange with experts, vision building and policy writing on 24th and 25th of March on how we can address the major public health challenge of NCDs! Sign up here until the 13th of March. Any questions? Find more information here or contact

Ending violence against women: a new podcast episode!
In 1993, the United Nations adopted the Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women. Since then, various international norms and agreements have attempted to address the issues of gender-based violence and violence against women.  How is violence against women framed in those international norms? How prevalent is violence against women? What are the social and economic consequences for those women and for society? What solutions has the international community proposed over time to address this violence? Hannah Reinl, foraus gender program co-head, moderated an podcast episode for the Think Tank Hub on violence against women with Reem Alsalem, UN Special Rapporteur on violence against women, and Lars Engberg-Pedersen, Head of Unit and Senior Researcher at the Danish Institute for International Studies.

“One Health” for the Future- be part of the paradigm shift!
What do zoonoses (infectious diseases jumping from animals to humans), antimicrobial resistance and food safety & security threats have in common? They’re all phenomena caused by the way we interact with animals and ecosystems that surround us. In our new participatory project “One Health” for the Future, we are exploring these phenomena and developing recommendations for necessary policy steps to be taken at international and national levels to prevent and effectively counter them. Save the Date for our workshops early April (online) and early May (at the Geneva Health Forum). Interested? Then join us here to learn more about the topic, exchange and stay up-to-date on upcoming project activities.

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