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September 28, 2022
In The Spotlight
The announcement comes a year after the truck maker announced it would build a $5.6 billion battery campus in the state.
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Biogen was accused of paying millions of dollars a year in kickbacks to doctors to get them to prescribe its drug Avonex, whose sales were declining, and its new treatment, called Tysabri.
IndustryWeek editors discuss the IW U.S. 500 list of publicly traded manufacturing companies and the health of the overall economy.
Scotland-born Jope, who this year came under fierce criticism from investor activists over a failed takeover bid, will depart Unilever after five years as CEO and nearly four decades at the company, a statement said.
Manufacturing in America is everywhere, and we can prove it. Enjoy this visit across the U.S. and the light we shine on manufacturers operating in each state.

How can you create streamlined and efficient processes for all your business stakeholders? Join this webinar to explore the top processes that manufacturers are digitizing, and the benefits they are experiencing.