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Former Fed Governor:
Big Prediction for Next 10 Years

You've probably never heard of Larry Lindsey.

But he's one of the most connected and knowledgeable economic insiders in America today...

A former Federal Reserve Governor (five years), one of George W. Bush's top economic advisors, a senior staff economist during President Reagan's first term, and an Economics faculty member at Harvard (five years) are just a few of Lindsey's accomplishments.

I'm telling you about Larry Lindsey today because he just went public with a huge warning for you and your money... (Click here to see what Lindsey is warning about.)

Lindsey says:

The next decade is going to be a scramble for survival. You need to think about it that way and you need to prepare in order to have a prosperous future...

Inflation always causes a fraying of the social fabric. And... we already have a pretty frayed social fabric... so, I don't think it's only a matter of money. I think it's also a matter of what's going to be happening in society... and that's why I think it really is a scramble...

There's some things you can control, some things you can't, but money helps you control as much as possible and that's why you need to protect your financial position.

Lindsey's recent warning only adds to the chorus of at least 9 billionaires (including people such as Warren Buffett, Bill Ackman, and David Einhorn) who have issued serious warnings about inflation and its consequences for the years to come.

So what should you do today?

To me, the first and most obvious step is to  check out the analysis  from a former Goldman Sachs banker named Dr. David Eifrig.

No one in America has done a better job of encapsulating this issue, explaining what it means for you and your money, and providing a detailed plan of the steps (Dr. Eifrig says there are 4) you should take right now.

Even if you decide not to take all of Dr. Eifrig's 4 STEPS, just understanding the big changes in store for our country and our financial system will put you way ahead of the game.

Take a few minutes to check out Dr. Eifrig's full analysis, which explains where we are today, where we are going, and includes a full outline of his 4 Steps he recommends you take right now.

We've posted Dr. Eifrig's full work on our website – you can access it free of charge today.

Click here to view it now.

Good investing,

Mike Palmer
Founding Partner, Stansberry Research

P.S. Former Fed Governor Larry Lindsey says prices are going to essentially double over the next decade.

Think about what could happen to America along the way if the average (median) price for a house doubles to roughly $700,000... if your grocery bill essentially doubles... and what could happen if the average price of a new car hits nearly $80,000...

One thing is for sure –  there will be enormous winners and losers along the way.

Get the facts and learn what you must do to protect yourself and prosper in this new era...

Check out Dr. Eifrig's full analysis on our site. Click here to view now.