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July 13, 2022
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Part 1: Auto Accident Litigation: How to have the clients chasing you!
Part 1: Auto Accident Litigation: How to have the clients chasing you!
Starting with the facts Have a look at this scenario. It's Friday night, and for you one more week at the office is finally over. You're drained-used-up-exhausted-for the thousand reasons only another lawyer will understand.

Latest Lawsuit News & Legal Information

Google Resolves Gender Discrimination Lawsuit
Google Resolves Gender Discrimination Lawsuit
San Francisco, CAA pay equity California labor class action lawsuit filed in 2017 accusingCalifornia Google of underpaying women has been resolved: the tech giant will settle for $118 million, which involves over 15,000 women employed in California.

The Big Story of UBS Whistleblower Lawsuit
The Big Story of UBS Whistleblower Lawsuit
New York, NY After nearly seven years in court, Trevor Murray prevailed in his whistleblower lawsuit against UBS Securities, his former employer. The latest flurry of activity is an after-the-fact attempt by UBS’s attorneys to reduce the firm’s financial liability. No harm, no foul. It’s simply what diligent lawyers try to do.

PFAS Mesh Talc ERISA Zantac CA Labor?

Increased Emergency Room Charges Loom for Patients at Critical Access Hospitals
Increased Emergency Room Charges Loom for Patients at Critical Access Hospitals
Clear Lake, CA On April 8, the DC Circuit Court, which has jurisdiction over Medicare cases, held that Medicare need not reimburse St. Helena Clear Lake Hospital for the cost of maintaining nonemergency room specialists on call. Without Medicare reimbursement, the cost of maintaining these doctors on call will ultimately be passed along to patients through higher emergency room charges.

California Attorney General Supports Washington State’s Ruling that GEO owes Detainees Minimum Wages
California Attorney General Supports Washington State’s Ruling that GEO owes Detainees Minimum Wages
Santa Clara, CA California's attorney general has taken the lead in supporting Washington State’s decision to enforce minimum wage laws, which includes GEO, a private prison company that, since at least 2005, has paid thousands of detainee workers $1 per day for labor that is necessary to keep its facility operational. The private prison company has appealed a Washington district court ruling that it owes back pay to detainees.

Does Workers Compensation Cover Heart Attack?
Does Workers Compensation Cover Heart Attack?
Santa Clara, CA Many Americans, particularly those with heart conditions, have good reason to ask whether they are eligible for Worker’s Compensation if they suffer a heart attack at work. Heart attacks are normally covered by state workers’ compensation laws but there are often many factors involved and you may wonder if a heart attack or stroke qualifies for worker's comp.

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