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7 JAN 2021View in Browser
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Former US Senate candidate Max Linn among crowd of Trump supporters in DC
Linn put on his Facebook page “I had a great time in Washington DC today” along with a picture of him among the crowd outdoors.
Bubbling ice chimneys near Jackman wow family of hikers
A family of six stumbled across a remarkable ice formation while hiking to Cold Stream Falls in December.
Trump remarks before Capitol siege could be investigated, attorney says
Before pro-Trump supporters descended upon the Capitol building, Trump urged the crowd to “fight like hell.
Prosecutor: Sedition charges possible for mob
Police said more than 90 people were arrested on Wednesday and Thursday morning.
Indians trade star Lindor in mega-deal with Mets
Francisco Lindor is moving to a new city and team that is willing to meet his salary demands.
Mike Pence set to attend inauguration
It is customary for an outgoing vice president to attend the inauguration. Outgoing President Donald Trump has not said whether he plans to attend.
Boyhood memories of hunting, fishing with dad remain special
"Dad was an amazing deer hunter. He’d often shoot several deer so his friends could have one," George Smith writes.
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