The Middle East Forum presents this week's webinars.
The Armenia-Azerbaijan Conflict: Why It Matters

with Svante Cornell
Armenia and Azerbaijan went recently to war over Nagorno-Karabakh, an Armenian-governed territory within Azerbaijan’s borders. The two sides’ wide alliances imbue this conflict with regional implications. What are its roots, what explains Israel and Turkey both supporting Shia Azerbaijan, and what is the suitable U.S. role?
Monday, October 19, 2020 
1:00-1:15p.m. EDT
Click here to join just before 1pm EDT
By Phone:
        US: +16465588656,,81075105359#,,109063#,,#

You can also reply to Stacey Roman at or by phone at 215-546-5406 ext. 113
Svante E. Cornell is the director of the American Foreign Policy Council’s Central Asia-Caucasus Institute and co-founder of the Institute for Security and Development Policy in Stockholm. He graduated from the Middle East Technical University in Ankara and obtained a Ph.D. from Uppsala University. Among other books, he is the author of Azerbaijan since Independence (2011) and Editor of The International Politics of the Armenia-Azerbaijan Conflict (2017).

Israel Insider

with Ashley Perry
What should we make of Saudi hints about recognizing Israel? And what about the many ultra-Orthodox leaders vowing to defy the government and reopen their institutions, leading to a possible confrontation between PM Netanyahu and his most loyal coalition partners; what might this mean for his political survival?
Wednesday, October 21, 2020 
3:00-3:30p.m. EDT
Click here to join just before 3pm EDT
By Phone:
        US: +1 6465588656,,554482745#,,776628#,,#

You can also reply to Stacey Roman at or by phone at 215-546-5406 ext. 113

Congress Counters Turkey

with Nick Larigakis

Even as Turkey’s President Erdoğan embroils Turkey in conflicts from Libya to the Caucasus, he still continues to target Greece and Cyprus. With Donald Trump uneager to confront Erdoğan, that role falls largely to the U.S. Congress, where a surprisingly bipartisan consensus has emerged.  How has this happened and can it last?

Friday, October 23, 2020 
1:00 - 1:15p.m. EDT
Click here to join just before 1 pm EDT
By Phone:
        US: +16465588656,,81447231646#,,884517#,,#

You can also reply to Stacey Roman at or by phone at 215-546-5406 ext. 113
Nick Larigakis is president of the American Hellenic Institute, the Greek lobby. After immigrating to the United States from Skopelos, Greece, he graduated from the College of New Jersey and has spent the past thirty years advocating on behalf of Greek-Americans. He tweets at @nlarigakis.

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All webinars are recorded for viewing after the event. To view past webinars, please visit our YouTube channel or our website.


The Middle East Forum, an activist think tank, deals with the Middle East, Islamism, U.S. foreign policy, and related topics, urging bold measures to protect Americans and their allies. Pursuing its goals via intellectual, operational, and philanthropic means, the Forum recurrently has policy ideas adopted by the U.S. government.
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