State Journal-Register
Apr 19, 2019
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Foul-up on FEMA grant application leaves Illinois frozen out
Illinois communities may not be able to compete for millions of dollars in federal money to prevent disaster-related problems because of an error.
Census: Springfield area, many other places in Illinois lose population

The state of Illinois lost 0.4 percent of its population during the one-year period, landing at 12,741,080 as of last summer.

Tests, costs may be making Illinois’ teacher shortage worse

The high cost and restrictive nature of teacher licensure tests may be contributing to the teacher shortage, according to some education officials.

Regulation of personal robots might be in Illinois’ future

Futuristic technology could give Illinoisans their own personal robots that follow wherever they go, and carry supplies like groceries.

Wage-theft bill sparks debate about repeat offenders

Legislation that punishes employers in Illinois who short their workers' pay left Republican representatives with open-ended questions about the impact.

Lawmakers react to Mueller report’s release

Central Illinois lawmakers have been sharing their opinions about the release of Robert Mueller's report.

State Journal-Register