November 30, 2023
Dear Valued Reader,

Sticking with the "sort of A.I. stocks" pitches today... this time we're digging into a spiel from Karim Rahemtulla at Monument Traders, who is hinting at a "critical bottleneck" that has to be solved for artifiical intelligence to boom... and he has four "secret" picks that should profit as the bottleneck is solved, so what's that "most critical tech for the AI revolution?"  Answers are but a click away...

New AI-powered stock rating system — that isolates stocks with the highest probability of producing the biggest gains — just released details on the top-rated stocks...  Details here…


Porter Stansberry is pitching his newsletter with a spiel about how AI isn't real and everyone's lying to you ("Artificial Illusion," he says)... but that the real stuff is still powering profits at some established companies you should buy, and he's got three to hint at, with some clues that I fed to the Thinkolator for you... so we've got some interesting results to chew on when it comes ot his "3 AI Railroad" stocks, just click below to...

Stock Gumshoe | travis@stockgumshoe.com | www.stockgumshoe.com
351 Pleasant St., Suite B #205, Northampton, MA 01060
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