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Trump is feuding with Fox News and looking for love in other places. He still has friends in prime time, where the hosts follow his deranged claims about election fraud, but he has a problem with the Fox journalists who report that Joe Biden won the election.

As The New Republic’s Alex Shephard reports, things aren’t going as planned for Fox News: “They believed the election was a win-win. If Trump won, their gravy train would continue. If he lost, they would lead the resistance to Joe Biden, just as they had to Barack Obama. Regardless of the outcome, viewers—and money—would flood in.”

But Shephard notes that “Newsmax and One America News Network, Fox’s biggest postelection competitors, are seeing their audiences grow at a rapid clip—and seem poised to hold on to them even after Trump’s pathetic efforts to undo the 2020 election end.” 

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One reason for their appeal, as Shephard sees it, is that “Newsmax and OANN don’t have anyone making a play for anything resembling journalistic credibility, and Trump voters can tune in to those networks without ever hearing the truth about the 2020 election. They are 24/7 fact-free zones. They have supplanted Fox News as Trump supporters’ preferred safe space.”

The result, says Shephard, is that “for the first time in its history, Fox is facing serious competition from its right flank.”

The best way to follow this right-wing media battle is to read Alex Shephard and the best investigative reporters, opinion writers, and cultural critics in America.

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Kerrie Gillis, publisher

Read Alex Shephard’s Fox News Is in Trouble

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