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July 25, 2019


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Jay Sekulow: Mueller's testimony shows he conducted a witch hunt – Time to declare 'case closed'

Featured Stories

Newt Gingrich: The spirit of fascistic book burning has entered the American system

Leslie Marshall: Mueller’s testimony disappoints anti-Trump Dems – But he still makes important points

Tucker Carlson: The real Robert Mueller has been exposed - and he's not the superhero Dems portrayed

Chad Storlie: Ten great reasons to hire a military veteran (that you probably never thought of)

Rep. Mark Meadows: Food stamps fight -- Dems don't want to wage a war on poverty, they just want scare tactics

Donald Trump, Jr.: Dems are losing immigration debate because of their radical ideology (not bad 'messaging')

Top Videos

Andy McCarthy's biggest takeaway from Mueller hearing: 'Inconceivable' he ran the investigation

Ingraham: Trump beats the elites again

Graham: I had more to do with the Mueller report than he did

Police chief says 'unacceptable' treatment of NYPD officers has to stop before it spreads