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December 6, 2019


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Sen. Rand Paul: Schiff’s release of phone records is absolutely outrageous – Here’s what has to happen next

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Tucker Carlson: Pelosi trapped by lunatics to her left. She puts a brave face on a doomed mission, fights on

David Bossie: A Trump impeachment trial must become a painful experience for Democrats – GOP must fight back

RNC Chair McDaniel: Democrats seeking Trump impeachment should be careful what they wish for

Jim Breslo: California Democrats pursue wrong policies to reduce fires – They should do THIS

Top Videos

Rush Limbaugh on impeachment: 'We are watching pure, raw hatred'

Dennis Prager on Los Angeles homeless crisis: The more you spend the more homeless you produce

Rep. Swalwell: Nunes may have been a part of Trump's conspiracy all along

Det. Fil Waters recalls horrifying cases in 'The Interrogator,' says he's looked 'at the eyes of the devil'