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With less than three months left to go, and Kamala Harris joining Joe Biden on the ticket, we’re set for the final stages of the 2020 presidential campaign. But is the Trump team ready? The New Republic’s Alex Shephard is skeptical: “Despite acres of lead time, Trump and the Republican National Committee came up with a muddled message. Harris, in their version, is too tough on crime ... too soft on crime … and a cynical careerist and a doctrinaire Marxist” all at once.

Shephard found “there was more focus” on Fox News. “The network certainly takes cues from the president, but more often the flow of information works the other way around, with hosts trying to lead Trump where they want him to go.” Tucker Carlson thinks, “Harris would give Covid-19 vaccines to people of color first.” And Jeanine Pirro has “a sense that something’s going to happen before the election, and he’s not even going to be on the ticket….”

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Kerrie Gillis, publisher

Read Alex Shephard’s “Fox News is Leading the Attacks on Kamala Harris”


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