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April 24, 2020
Astronaut Scott Kelly, veteran of a year in space, describes his life in coronavirus lockdown

Astronaut Scott Kelly, veteran of a year in space, describes his life in coronavirus lockdown

Former NASA astronaut Scott Kelly knows a thing or two about isolation.

Scientists track 'alarming' coronavirus spread in South Korean call center

Scientists track 'alarming' coronavirus spread in South Korean call center

Scientists have tracked the frightening progression of a coronavirus outbreak in a crowded call center in Seoul, South Korea.

Apple and Google will shut down coronavirus tracing app when pandemic ends, companies say

Apple and Google will shut down coronavirus tracing app when pandemic ends, companies say

Apple and Google say they will shut down their coronavirus contact tracing app after the pandemic is under control, as the tech giants strive to address ongoing privacy concerns about the effort.

With coronavirus pandemic in mind, NASA created a ventilator in just over a month that could aid critically ill patients

With coronavirus pandemic in mind, NASA created a ventilator in just over a month that could aid critically ill patients

NASA is no stranger to incredible achievements -- it sent men and women to the moon, explored the depths of space with the Hubble Space Telescope and visited Mars multiple times. As the planet deals with the ramifications of the coronavirus pandemic, the space agency designed a critical piece of medical equipment in short supply to aid critically ill COVID-19 patients: a ventilator.

In battle to contain coronavirus, hands-free door openers are being 3D-printed

In battle to contain coronavirus, hands-free door openers are being 3D-printed

As the world battles the coronavirus pandemic, hands-free door openers are being 3D-printed to reduce the risk of people spreading the virus.

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