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May 29, 2020
Facial reconstruction provides glimpse of priest who died 900 years ago

Facial reconstruction provides glimpse of priest who died 900 years ago

Experts in the U.K. have reconstructed the face of a priest who died 900 years ago...

Siberian heatwave sparks 'zombie' wildfire fears

Siberian heatwave sparks 'zombie' wildfire fears

A heatwave in Siberia is sparking concerns about “zombie” wildfires that have been smoldering since last year.

SpaceX, NASA astronauts make preparations for second attempt at historic launch

SpaceX, NASA astronauts make preparations for second attempt at historic launch

SpaceX and NASA are making preparations for their second attempt at a historic launch that will see astronauts travel to space from U.S. soil for the first time since 2011.

Mysterious 'active' object in Jupiter's orbit isn't so mysterious at all

Mysterious 'active' object in Jupiter's orbit isn't so mysterious at all

After originally believing the "continuously active" object in Jupiter's orbit was the first-known active "Trojan asteroid," scientists have issued a correction and it's just a regular comet.

For 15 million years, sea snakes have adapted underwater vision, research shows

For 15 million years, sea snakes have adapted underwater vision, research shows

Sea snakes have been evolving for 15 million years to adapt to changing conditions in the marine environment, including their vision underwater, a new study showed.

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