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August 12, 2020
Bear that went viral after sniffing hiker’s hair has been castrated, sparking outrage

Bear that went viral after sniffing hiker’s hair has been castrated, sparking outrage

A black bear in Mexico that went viral after sniffing a hiker’s hair has been caught and castrated, authorities say.

Giant telescope in Puerto Rico damaged by broken cable

Giant telescope in Puerto Rico damaged by broken cable

The National Science Foundation’s Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico has been damaged by a broken cable.

Online fraud is surging: Five facts you probably don't know

Online fraud is surging: Five facts you probably don't know

Online fraud is surging as more people stay at home and online activity increases. Here are five things about online fraud you probably didn’t know..

New species of dinosaur related to Tyrannosaurus rex discovered

New species of dinosaur related to Tyrannosaurus rex discovered

A new species of dinosaur related to Tyrannosaurus rex has been discovered in the U.K.

Derecho damage in Iowa, flattened crops spotted in 'impressive' satellite images

Derecho damage in Iowa, flattened crops spotted in 'impressive' satellite images

Millions of acres of damaged farmland across Iowa can be seen from space after a deadly derecho blasted across the Midwest earlier this week.

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