Media Winners & Losers

Fox's Martha MacCallum & CNN's John Berman and
Dr. Sanjay Gupta

Seema Verma, the administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, was grilled during a pair of cable news interviews over the past 24 hours.

First, on Thursday night, Fox News anchor Martha MacCallum was completely determined to get an answer from Verma on whether the U.S. will have enough ICU units and ventilators. MacCallum tried four times to get a straight answer out of her guest.

"Before I let you go I want to ask you one more time, are there going to be people in this country who don’t get a ventilator when they need one?” MacCallum asked on the fourth and final attempt. “Can you reassure everyone out there tonight that there’s not a shortage of ventilators or ICU units?”

Verma double-talked, praising President Donald Trump. MacCallum wasn't having it.

"Okay, that’s not a direct answer to the question," she said bluntly. 

Then on Friday morning, Verma appeared on CNN's New Day — where John Berman and Dr. Sanjay Gupta picked up on that line of questioning. 

"It really does seem like there’s a shortfall," Gupta said. "How can you possibly say that we have enough to handle what is coming?”

Verma again dodged and evaded, eventually saying "we have ventilators."

But Berman and Gupta refused to let her off the hook. 

“You don’t have enough ventilators," Gupta said. 

Excellent work from three journalists determined to get the answers their viewers need. 
Fox & Friends Hosts 
Steve Doocy, Ainsley Earhart, 
and Brian Kilmeade 

At a time when their viewers need good information, Fox & Friends completely let their them down Friday morning — with a broadcast chock full of inaccuracies and unwarranted downplaying of the dangers associated with the coronavirus. 

Our Aidan McLaughlin chronicled several of the absurd moments from Friday's program. Notably, Ainsley Earhart completely disregarded warnings put out by President Trump's own leading health officials about air travel. 

“It’s actually the safest time to fly,” Earhart said, remarkably. 

Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said on CNN Thursday night that there is “no way" he would fly right now for a non-essential purpose. 

Later, Jerry Falwell Jr. visited to show to dismiss the virus as "hype" designed to "get Trump. He went on to float an absolutely bonkers conspiracy theory.

“The owner of a restaurant asked me last night. He said do you remember the North Korean leader promised us a Christmas present for America? Back in December. Could it be they got together with China and this is that present? I don’t know. But it really is something strange going on.”

The three hosts of Fox & Friends allowed their guest to accuse North Korea and China of planting a virus in China designed to reach the U.S. and damage the president politically. They did not push back at all.

In short, the three hosts proved to be completely incapable of doing the job they are supposed to during an epidemic.

The A-Block

Two Very Big Words

National emergency. 

"Two very big words," President Trump said Friday afternoon.

The president spoke those two words, and many others, during a lengthy news conference in the White House Rose Garden.

During the hour-long session, Trump passed the buck on the shortage of coronavirus tests available

“I don’t take responsibility at all,” Trump said.

The president also appeared to take a swipe at the Obamacare website

“Google is helping to develop a website that will be very quickly done — unlike websites of the past.”

And he had a tense confrontation with PBS correspondent Yamiche Alcindor

"You said that you don’t take responsibility but you did disband the White House pandemic office and the officials that were working in that office left this administration abruptly. So what responsibility do you take to that?” Alcindor said. “The officials that worked in that office said that the White House lost valuable time because that office was disbanded. What do you make of that?”

“Well, I just think it’s a nasty question," Trump said. 

All in all, a typical Trump news conference — this one against the backdrop of a national emergency. 

Big Day on the Street

The Dow had its biggest single-day point gain ever on Friday, erasing almost all of Thursday's record losses. 

The 1985 point surge represented a 9 percent increase. And the Nasdaq and S&P 500 posted similar gains. 

CNBC's Jim Cramer, who — earlier in the day Friday — gave the green light to panicked investors to jump back in, reacted favorably to Trump's afternoon news conference. During the presser, Trump announced a large buy for the strategic petroleum reserve, and announced that the government is waiving interest on federal student loans. 

"They listened!" Cramer tweeted, after the announcement

What's The Verdict, Doc?

Government officials have continued to make public appearances to give updates on the spread of the coronavirus -- some more successfully than others (see our Winners of the Day above).

Dr. Anthony Fauci has been praised for his handling of questions. In an appearance on Morning Joe Friday, he faced withering interrogation from Willie Geist and eventually conceded that President Trump's close contact with a Brazilian official diagnosed with the coronavirus means he should probably self-isolate and get tested.

He's not the only one calling for Trump to embrace the warm comfort of a self-quarantine. Fox News contributor Guy Benson said Friday he sees no reason why Trump isn’t “in a self-quarantine situation right now.”

Meanwhile, some good news: Wuhan, China, ground zero for the coronavirus outbreak, reported just five new cases on Friday. Other cities in China posted similar declining numbers.

Must-See Clip of the Day

'Bullsh*t Artist'

Thursday night's Hannity featured an utterly bonkers clash between Geraldo Rivera and Dan Bongino over President Trump's address to the nation on Wednesday night. Rivera took great umbrage with the fact that Trump advisor Stephen Miller helped write the president's remarks. 

“It’s about messaging,” Geraldo said. “And that speech was written by senior advisor Stephen Miller — same guy that imposed the Muslim ban that had pregnant women knocking over each other with babies and all.”

Bongino then baselessly accused Geraldo of repeating Chinese propaganda. 

“Geraldo, you realize you’re repeating Chinese propaganda here, I hope you understand that,” Bongino said.

Geraldo, understandably, was irate.

“Oh don’t give me that crap!” Geraldo said, adding, “What are you talking about!? Chinese propaganda!? You’re a cheap shot artist! You’re a cheap shot artist! Talk to the facts!”

“You know what!? You’re a bullshit artist!” Bongino shot back. 

Geraldo then seemed to challenge Bongino to a fight. 

“You’re lucky you’re not in front of me! Big guy.” Geraldo said.

Watch this stunning collision here.

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Trump Struggles to Unify a Nation on Edge
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I Ran the White House Pandemic Office. Trump Closed it.
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Wuhan Reports Only Five New Coronavirus Cases on Friday
- via Reuters
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