Fr. Joseph Mary Wolfe, EWTN’s Chaplain, talks with Doug Keck on EWTN Bookmark about My Life with Mother Angelica, written by Sister Mary Raphael, PCPA. In Fr. Joseph’s words, the book “really captures the early spirituality of the Sisters – their simple joy and their faith, including wonderful pictures
Fr. Joseph Mary Wolfe, MFVA, presenter, My Life with Mother Angelica
Fr. Joseph Mary Wolfe, EWTN’s Chaplain, talks with Doug Keck on EWTN Bookmark about My Life with Mother Angelica, written by Sister Mary Raphael, PCPA. In Fr. Joseph’s words, the book “really captures the early spirituality of the Sisters – their simple joy and their faith, including wonderful pictures...
In this heart-warming book Sr. Mary Raphael shares her first-hand account of her life with Mother Angelica. From the first time they met at Sancta Clara Monastery to the beginning days of EWTN, Sr. Raphael was a devoted sister in religious life and a true friend to Mother. Originally published in the early 1980's, this Second Edition includes many never before seen photographs of Mother, Sr. Raphael and the Nuns. Paperback. 122 pages.