Jambo John!

One of the most pivotal times of my life began December 2019, on the eve of COVID’s arrival. I sensed a season of my life was winding down, yet was unsure of what would come next, I was scared.

Fortuitously, if you believe in luck, I was also reading some far out new books, thinking wild new thoughts, and wondering how I might radically shift my fear into living a far richer life. Yeah, bodacious, but inspired!

That month I also, serendipitously, if you believe in chance, connected with The Council, channeled by Sara Landon, and nothing has ever been the same. The things they told me, what they confirmed of my own inner suspicions, and how they explained what’s now happening on Earth, lit me up and filled me with hope.

So many extraordinary things have happened in my life since then, in work, play, and love – supernatural and miraculous to say the least. And one of those “things” has been the recent completion and imminent publication of my new book with Sara and The CouncilThe Dream, The Journey, Eternity, and God, which includes some of my very first conversations with The Council!

To celebrate, the 3 of us, including The Council, are hosting a FREE, LIVE channeled webinar! Now, they’re going to be answering your deepest life questions, John! All Notes subscribers are invited! Come and be entertained, enthralled, and to play...

When: Tuesday, June 13 @ 3 PM ET (TOMORROW)

What: Ask the Council – FREE live webinar (channeled by Sara Landon)

Why: To celebrate the release of our new book!

Click here to SAVE YOUR SPOT and watch live!

I do not believe in luck or chance, John, and I doubt you do either… which means that if you’re reading this, The Council has something for you to hear, too.

Prepare to be WOW'd -

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