How to Study the Bible

FREE eBook version of How to Understand the Bible



Dear Bible Gateway friends –

As part of a special Bible initiative, we are offering, for this week, a FREE eBook version of How to Understand the Bible (and the paperback version is discounted). Lack of knowledge about the Bible (and thus, our knowledge of God) is one of the most significant weaknesses of believers today—but it is easily corrected!

We invite you to download the FREE eBook version in the format of your choice (the ePub format is better than PDF).

Please consider emailing your friends, groups, or congregations since the free download is available to one and all, anywhere in the world—BUT FOR A LIMITED TIME.

–>Go HERE.


What Readers Are Saying about How to Understand the Bible: A Simple Guide…

“Clear, easy to read, great explanations… and in everyday language. It provides a ‘big picture’ of the Bible and how I can understand it better. It’s a resource I’ll refer to quite often… and encourage others to also. This is a MUST READ!”

“Rarely have I seen a book take something as misunderstood as the Bible and make it so simple to understand. It is clear, concise, interesting and well written. It’s gave me both an explanation of all aspects of the Bible and the encouragement to approach God’s word with confidence.”

“This is a GREAT resource for ANYONE. If you are new to reading the Bible or if you’ve been reading it for years … there’s good information in this book for you.”



About The Author - Mel Lawrenz serves as minister at large for Elmbrook Church and leads The Brook Network. Having been in pastoral ministry for thirty years, the last decade as senior pastor of Elmbrook, Mel seeks to help Christian leaders engage with each other. Mel is the author of eleven books, the most recent for church leaders, Whole Church: Leading from Fragmentation to Engagement.

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