Jon Gordon

Happy Thursday!

Today we are giving away a FREE ENERGY BUS ACTION PLAN (28-page PDF to help you turn ideas from the book into results) to anyone who purchases a copy of my bestselling book, "The Energy Bus: 10 Rules to Fuel Your Life, Work and Team with Positive Energy." 

As an added bonus... we're also going to pick 11 lucky winners to receive a physical copy of our Energy Bus Field Guide which is filled with insightful questions, practical action steps, best practices and inspiring case studies to energize yourself and your team in new and powerful ways. 

Here' How: 

  1. Purchase a copy of "The Energy Bus" anywhere books are sold including Amazon, Barnes & Noble or Books-A-Million
  2. Complete the redemption form here.

This offer is for new purchases of "The Energy Bus" only. We'll pick the 11 Field Guide winners early next week at random from all redemptions.

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