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Writer's Digest
Monthly Writing Inspiration and Tips
Whether you are just getting started or want to hone your craft, Writers Digest can help with proven tips on how to get and stay inspired, how to make time for writing, master essential writing techniques, and how to get published. Let us be your 2018 writing guide! Your subscription includes:
  • Must-have tips and publishing secrets to stay inspired, creative and motivated
  • Inspirational stories of writers who are living the dream, and how they got there
  • The latest (and greatest!) markets for print and e-publishing
  • Technique articles geared towards specific genres and so much more!
Subscribe now and get a FREE INSTANT GIFT - Writer's Yearbook: Your Annual Guide for Writing Success. This annual review includes 100 book and magazine markets for writers, the top writer websites to know, insider tips and what authors need to know about the industry this year.
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