From the desk of Dennis Weaver . . .

Free Hamburger Buns, Dinner Rolls, or Sandwich Buns!

Sour Cream Onion hamburger Bund, Dinner Rolls, or Sandwich Buns

These are easy to make and fabulous to serve. They are the best picnic buns they've ever tasted—just delightful. And they're free!

And they're easy to make. If you can make dinner rolls, you can make hamburger buns. The difference is the back of your hand.

Simply make the dough in your bread machine or on the counter.

Divide them into eight pieces, arrange them on a baking sheet, let them rise, and then press them with the back of your hand.

You never dreamed they were so simple. Or so good!

Get your free bread mix here.

Have a great summer with burgers, picnics, and family outings.

See more breads from $2.99!


Don't miss a thing! Learn how to make fancy, colored hamburger buns..

Save 31% on the Black Russian Bread

burger buns

“Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.”- Winston Churchill

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