Dear John,

Why don’t more nonprofits prioritize wealthy and generous donors of color? How do traditional fundraising strategies fall short when it comes to engaging donors from diverse cultures and backgrounds?

Join us this Thursday at 2 PM ET, for the Chronicle's free live briefing, What Donors of Color Want to Hear From Nonprofits. You’ll get data and insights into the opportunity and potential these donors offer as well as inspiration for attracting nonwhite donors at all giving levels.

Our expert guests will take your questions and explain how nonprofits can develop culturally connected fundraising strategies. You'll learn from:
Chronicle subscribers are pre-registered for this free briefing, and non-subscribers are invited to register for free at Reminder emails will be sent out in advance of the event.


Emily Haynes
Staff Writer
Chronicle of Philanthropy
1255 Twenty-Third St. NW
Washington, DC 20037

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