Educational fakery and anti-Semitism in the Golden State • In rain, snow and drought, California’s fights over water rights, supplies persist
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Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Free market economic principles must fuel California’s energy markets

Free markets encourage competition and are the foundation of market-based pricing.

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Educational fakery and anti-Semitism in the Golden State

Candidates might think twice about touting their associations with Ivy League and UC campuses alike.

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In rain, snow and drought, California’s fights over water rights, supplies persist

The drought orders, the appellate court decision and the non-action by the Legislature this year indicate that California’s water rights remain a major bone of legal and political contention as the larger struggle over water allocation continues.

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Democrats’ cynical crime package is backfiring

However this plays out, the Democrats have only themselves to blame for this embarrassment.

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The American Troubles

This will end badly for all of us.

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What about the kids and their e-bikes?

I’ve come to the conclusion that not much can be done and current laws are adequate.

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More than 14,000 California high school graduates can’t work: This is a tragic waste of talent

This new generation needs a permanent solution. The idea of wasting the talents and dreams of this many young lives is simply too much to bear.

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Ron Paul: We spent a billion dollars fighting the Houthis…and lost

We have the most expensive military on earth, they say. That may be true, but it is also irrelevant.

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Is show biz on the way out in SoCal?: Letters

Unfortunately, show biz is leaving the Golden State There was a time when California was truly the Golden State in that it offered golden opportunities for many enterprises. It brought my parents out from the Midwest to work in the aerospace industry. Hollywood was the place where aspiring actors could find their break and perhaps become movie stars. California greatly influenced music. However, the golden goose of opportunity was commandeered by competition and circumstances. Why wouldn’t the entertainment industry seek the most profitable environment? Other states, other countries, and AI are vying for their slice of the entertainment pie. Taxes, […]

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Timely lessons about tyranny from the Father of the Constitution

“Take alarm at the first experiment on our liberties.” — James Madison

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