Have you noticed lately that solar has been coming up significantly more in project planning? Clean energy and climate laws, lower material costs, and high environmental awareness are all contributing to the increased attention. And with more organizations committing to ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) goals, solar isn’t just going to be a part of planning conversations, it’s going to be driving them. How do we manage these solar and ESG projects in a way that doesn’t feel like a whole other body of work on top of everything else.

Ready to make solar power a priority in 2024? Tune into this free 45-minute webinar, “Mastering Large Commercial Solar Projects with Data-Driven Tech” right now as experts share:

  • How to manage the complexities of solar projects, such as compliance and regulations, tax credits, and incentives.
  • How AI can help companies move faster and make better real-time decisions.
  • How to access real time project data, forecasts of supply needs and potential disruptions, and streamlined project processes.