Create a trendy necklace by crossing strands of beads above your favorite mandala pendant. So simple, but so stylish!
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Bead stringing & More
Free Project: Invitation to a Garden Party
Free Project
Invitation to a Garden Party
Brightly‑colored Lucite flowers and butterflies grace a necklace, bracelet, and earring trio certain to get you dreaming of Spring.
Pretty in pink, peach, and plum →
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Free Project: Dangling flower earrings
Free Project
Dangling flower earrings
Celebrating the first week of Spring is easy when you can make a new pair of earrings in ten minutes or less. A few crystals and a bit of glue add to the sparkle!
So quick and easy →
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News and Views
Six signs of Spring for beaders
Regardless where you live, spring brings new sights, sounds, and smells, which make our senses come alive. For the beading community, we have our own signs that spring has sprung. Great Spring cleaning and organizing tips →
Beaded Spring flowers
Looking for a way to use up your stash or try a new bead shape? Make some easy little flowers in a colorful garden palette. What can you grow? →
Free video: Color block your jewelry designs
With Spring around the corner, we'll all be looking to add pops of color to our wardrobes. This video will help you plan a fresh new look. Choose a color pattern that you love →
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