Thrifty Tips (June 07, 2019)
School is almost out and all the kids are looking forward to summer break. But a lot of learning can be lost during those summer months. It's a good idea to keep up with some sort of schoolwork. Check out these great ideas and be sure to share your own tips too.

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Today's Featured Post

Free Summer Schoolwork

Two kids sitting on a rustic wooden bridge, reading books.It's great to keep kids focused on school during the summer, but don't pay to do it when there are great free resources out there. Over the course of ten weeks of summer vacation, children can forget math facts, phonics, and writing skills.

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Today's Guides
Removing a Hair From Your Eye
Recipes Using Pork and Beans
Crafts Using Greeting Cards
Finished tile trivet project (square format).
Use Drawer and Shelf Liner to Open Jars
Non-Slip Drawer Liners for Opening Stuck Jar Lids - large rectangle of liner
Getting Rid of Bugs in Hair
bugs in hair
Cleaning Chrome Fixtures
Cleaning Chrome Faucet
Today's Posts

Spiced Queso Fresco Zucchini

By attosa

Spiced Queso Fresco ZucchiniI love this veggie dish. It's popping with spicy flavours, cushioned by slightly melted Queso Fresco cheese. Top it with cilantro for perfection. You can swap out the zucchini with any vegetable for a change-up. I've tried it with carrots, asparagus, peppers - all delicious!

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Removing Permanent Marker

By Kim Burkert M.

A bottle of To clean permanent marker (Sharpie) from any non porous surface (table, floor, sink..etc), you can buy a tiny little bottle (1/2 inch square glass jar) of Testors Thinner #1148 from any hobby shop. Not the bigger bottle, it's different! Dip a Q-tip into the bottle and rub it on the marker, then wipe off excess with a tissue!

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Propagating Lemongrass in a Plastic Bottle

By 15mhhm15

Propagating Lemongrass in a Plastic Bottle - roots developingHave an empty plastic water bottle? You can cut the plastic bottom down to size and propagate your choice of plant. I like this method because I'm able to see the roots grow and ensure it'll be successful instead of planting directly into soil.

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Using My Collection Of Wine Corks For Decorating

By Ana

Using My Collection Of Wine Corks For Decorating - finished wine and cork decor on top of a black cabinetI have a collection of wine corks that I to use as decor in my home. I have seen in various stores wine corks used as decorations, but often they are too pricey for me. With a thrift store wooden box I will recreate the look of those pricey store decor items.

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Dear Webby's Joke of the Day
Little Johnny had bought Grandma a book for her birthday and wanted to write a suitable inscription. He racked his brain until suddenly he remembered that his father had a book with an inscription of which he was very proud, so Johnny decided to copy it. You can imagine Grandma's surprise when she opened her book, a Bible, and found neatly inscribed the following phrase: "To Grandma, with the compliments of the author." _

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Today's Questions
No Power Coming from Two New Circuit Breakers
After checking the wires coming out of the breakers, I have two that don't have any power coming out. I replaced the "faulty" breakers, but still have nothing coming out. The other breakers are showing 120v coming out when tested with a meter.
Identifying Small Brown Bugs
Identifying Small Brown Bugs - bug next to a dime
Value of a Kick Start Lawn Mower
Value of a Kick Start Lawn Mower - old gas powered mower
Darkening Gray Acrylic Craft Paint
I have gray craft paint I would like to make black. Will hair color work for this?
Name Ideas for a Personal Care Business
I'm starting a small personal care business and need ideas on a name.
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