Join us for our upcoming webinar!

Upcoming Webinar:
Telehealth: Revamping the Patient Journey | 3 Perspectives

Date: Wednesday, June 08, 2020
Time: 01:00 - 02:00 PM EDT
Duration: 1 hour


To retain current patients and grow their customer base, it’s time health systems move addressing the customer experience to the top of the priority list. Access, convenience, and cost have long been driving factors in care decisions, but with the rapid adoption of virtual care, we’ve added new channels and touchpoints to the customer experience. If all we do is tack it onto the existing healthcare journey, we’re missing an important inflection point.

Plainly stated: Competition is on to attract healthcare consumers who are now much more comfortable with virtual care than they were less than six months ago. Just like when adding a new service or building a new specialty center, the idea of “build and they will come” is a false narrative.

Join us to hear the perspectives from experts of OHSU, Nemours Children’s Health System, and Healthgrades on

• Expanding market reach and audience targeting through improved data insights and go-to-market strategies
• Creating a more seamless connection between virtual care and brick-and-mortar visits
• Building stronger relationships, improving patient engagement, and retaining more customers with a sophisticated approach to telehealth


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