John, when you look back at 2025...


...will you remember it as the year you found your power?


There’s a lot on the line. And perhaps… you knew it might be like this. Can you think of a better call to action than to feel your power slipping away?

I’ve had an idea for some time now, and I’ve decided recently, this is the time!

TODAY I’m hosting a FREE workshop at 2 pm ET to review my 2009 groundbreaking New York Times bestselling book, Infinite Possibilities.

I'll help you rediscover the beauty, magic, and opportunities that come along with living in these sacred jungles of time and space… as well as your ability to command life’s elements (no matter what’s going on in the world around you). 

Save your spot and download your workbook now. ✍️

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John, my aim in these 90 minutes is to return you to your life with greater courage, confidence, and clarity; empowered and optimistic.

DO NOT MISS IT - Watch live TODAY @ 2 pm ET!

Infinite possibilities await, xo - 

P.S. There is power in numbers. Try to watch LIVE if possible. However, if you’re not able to watch live, register anyway and I'll send you the recording.

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