Jambo John


Do you love learning about life’s magic and our power? Why not TEACH it?

Tomorrow, I’m hosting a FREE Workshop: The Joy of Serving Others to share how we can work together to inspire & empower people all over the world. 

Click here to save your spot!

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I’ll share how me and my 2,500 Certified Trainers are “reaching those who haven’t been reached” by teaching them of their power, life's beauty, and the infinite possibilities we're showered with to live happier lives… and how YOU can get involved, John

I’ll also be joined by Regena Garrepy, Norberto Perez, Rebecca Psigoda and Danielle Rogers, who will share their own inspiring stories of shining their light and being of service to others. ✨❤️

I promise, by the end of it, you’ll feel inspired, enriched, and ready to shine.

SAVE YOUR SPOT and watch live tomorrow.

Together in the joy of service,

P.S. John, if you’re not able to watch LIVE tomorrow, RSVP anyway, and I’ll send you a link to the recording after it’s over.

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