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Have you checked out the ResetWars link I’ve sent you over the past few days?

Here’s the long and short of it all…

I’ve put together a full blueprint exposing the evil global agenda currently underway (and actively being hidden from you)...

Understand this: the globalists’ sole goal is to first come for your mind, and then to come for your soul.

They are literally trying to strip you from all of your rights and freedoms…

… and convert you into a “modern-day slave”.

I’ve created ResetWars to expose this sick and twisted assault on your freedom… and until TOMORROW I’ve given you a huge 25% off pre-launch discount. 

My sole focus right now is to keep exposing this agenda so more people become aware of it…

But, there’s no telling how long I’ll be able to do so before they take me down. 

Time is of the essence. This could realistically be gone TOMORROW. 

If you haven’t already, go check out the link below to learn more. Do so now.

Alex Jones
Founder, InfoWars