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Writer's Digest University
Sharpen Your
Freelancing Skills
Are you looking to become a successful freelancer? In this workshop, you will work with a published article writer to develop, research and write two articles suitable for publication in magazines you've identified as appropriate markets. To make the most of this course, please be sure you have a good grasp of mechanics and composition. The Fundamentals of Nonfiction Writing Workshop is strongly recommended as a prerequisite.
What you'll learn
•  The types of editorial content magazines have
•  How to research your article and interview experts
•  How to create an effective outline
•  Ways to pitch your article to an editor, including how to write a query letter
Who should attend
•  Writers seeking to gain a working knowledge of the magazine market and work with a published author to write two magazine articles suitable for publication
•  Freelancers who want to sharpen their magazine article writing skills
•  "Thank you Writer's Digest for the opportunity to learn this way, with online classes." -SS
April 5 - July 12, 2018
Sign me up >>
Instructor: Kelly Boyer Sagert
Kelly Boyer Sagert has sold thousands of pieces of her writing to magazines, newspapers, online sites, encyclopedias and literary journals. Sagert has written eleven books and contributed material to more than one dozen other books.
Additional Courses Starting April 5:
Product 3
Advanced Novel Writing
Product 4
Short Story Fundamentals
Product 1
Writing the Thriller Novel
Product 2
Pitch an
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