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February 11, 2025
Dear Valued Reader,

I'm starting off this week with an annoying illness, so we'll be brief today -- the Motley Fool Canada is pitching a stock that they say is their first ever 11X recommendation... and they say it's available at a "much more compellijng valuation" now... so what's the stock and what's the story?  Just click below to...

The Magnificent Seven refers to the seven leading technology stocks. And … every investor knows about them, so that means your chance at seeing portfolio-changing gains are slim.

Instead, consider investing in the next wave of opportunities.   We’ve identified what we are calling the Next Magnificent 7.  And you can get the names here…FREE.

Get your FREE copy of the “These 7 Stocks Will be Magnificent in 2025” here


Miss anything last week?

We started with a re-check on those "Oppenheimer Project" stocks being teased by Ian Wyatt (one just reported good earnings later in the week incidentally).

We checked in on Porter Stansberry's "what could be the #1 stock for 2025" pitch -- all about a valuable oil field "in the bleeding heart of America's clean energy movement."

And "Trump Trades" are still everywhere, of course -- this week we looked at one from Brian Hicks, all about a "$25 Bitcoin Loophole."

And for the Irregulars on Friday I spent most of our time looking at Markel (MKL), Amazon (AMZN) and Alphabet (GOOGL, GOOG), along with a few other Real Money Portfolio companies who reported or had interesting news in the week... details if you click below...

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