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February 9, 2025
Dear Valued Reader,

Three weeks in to President Trump's second term, and I guess we can say... it isn't boring.  We're also into the meat of earnings season, and sentiment is bouncing all over the place... so where might we find our next wave of riches?  Let's catch up with what we covered at Stock Gumshoe this week...

We started with a re-check on those "Oppenheimer Project" stocks being teased by Ian Wyatt (one just reported good earnings later in the week incidentally)... jus click below to...

"We're going to bring back the American Dream... bigger, better, bolder, richer, safer, and stronger than ever before." - President Donald Trump

During Trump's first term, 8 million Americans became millionaires despite constant resistance from Democrats and even some Republicans in his cabinet.

Now, with Republicans controlling both houses and the Fed cutting rates, everything is aligned for even greater growth.

Bill O'Reilly interviews investment expert Alexander Green who reveals details on 6 stocks with the potential to soar under Trump's pro-business policies.

→ Get the Details Right Here


We checked in on Porter Stansberry's "what could be the #1 stock for 2025" pitch -- all about a valuable oil field "in the bleeding heart of America's clean energy movement."

And "Trump Trades" are still everywhere, of course -- this week we looked at one from Brian Hicks, all about a "$25 Bitcoin Loophole."

And for the Irregulars on Friday I spent most of our time looking at Markel (MKL), Amazon (AMZN) and Alphabet (GOOGL, GOOG), along with a few other Real Money Portfolio companies who reported or had interesting news in the week... details if you click below...

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