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Full Moon in Pisces
Hey Friend,
After a month of worrying and over-analyzing, get ready to release that emotional baggage and move forward to an optimistic future. Today’s Full Moon in Pisces (which is also a Full Blue Moon) holds lots of spiritual meaning, inviting us to let go and connect with the energy of life and have compassion. 

While the current Sun in Virgo has us focusing on organization and order, this Full Moon in Pisces may leave things feeling a bit chaotic. Here are some things to watch out for:
Empathy is strong.
You may feel a greater spiritual connection and sensitivity to the needs of others. Embrace those feelings and find ways to be of service. Remember, we’re all connected.

Let your imagination go. 
This is a great time to daydream, go with the flow and imagine what may be possible in our lives.  

Listen to your intuition.
Pisces may make you feel out of control. So look for balance, trust your intuition, then pursue your goals. 

Let a Keen Astrologer help guide you along the way. 
Speak with a Keen Astrologer to find answers and clarity. Connect now and you’ll get your first 3 minute reading FREE!

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