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Esther Solomon  
Esther Solomon
As the world enters another week of the coronavirus crisis, the contamination of political speech and action by racist scapegoating, anti-Semitic conspiracy theories and pandering to hard right tropes grows. Laurel Leff explores her response to watching ‘The Plot Against America’ while bombarded with Trump tweets; Ben Lorber examines the ‘different’ anti-Semitism that targets Haredim, and Avi Shafran accuses liberal Jews of fueling bigotry against them. Flora Cassen dives into the ‘dark net’ to show how far-right theories are breaking through to the mainstream.

Israel’s potential West Bank annexation is now an urgent issue for U.S.-Israel relations, and for U.S. Jews’ relations with the Jewish state. Daniel B. Shapiro queries how Netanyahu can possibly keep Trump, Biden and his base content; Blake Flayton calls on Biden to speak out against annexation more loudly; and Guy Ziv writes that being ‘Israel’s friend’ right now requires protesting the move. Fr. Jamal Khader and Rev. Munther Isaac describes annexation as a catastrophe for Palestinian Christians. Anshel Pfeffer  notes that U.S. Jews can complain as much as they like, but for Netanyahu, they’re second-rate Jews and have minimal influence.
And if you’re a ‘Fauda’ fan and missed George Zeidan’s excoriating critique of the show’s anti-Palestinian bias, have a read.
President Donald Trump at the then-daily coronavirus briefing at the White House. April 20, 2020

Coronavirus Unmasks Donald Trump’s Plot Against America

Laurel Leff | 07.05.2020
An Orthodox Jewish man walks through the Borough Park neighborhood of New York on the eve of the Passover holiday, April 08, 2020

'Primitive, Diseased Invaders' Threatening America: How Scapegoating ultra-Orthodox Jews for Coronavirus Mirrors Islamophobia

Ben Lorber | 05.05.2020
An ultra-Orthodox Jew prays at his house as the coronavirus lockdown closes synagogues. Bnei Brak, Israel. April 14, 2020.

How Coronavirus Sparked an Open Season of Hate for Haredi Jews

Avi Shafran | 29.04.2020
Anti-Semitic sign held by a protester at the Columbus, Ohio anti-lockdown demonstration. April 18, 2020

'Jews Control Chinese Labs That Created Coronavirus': White Supremacists’ Dangerous New Conspiracy Theory

Flora Cassen | 03.05.2020
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaks during his visit at the Health Ministry national hotline during the coronavirus crisis. Kiryat Malachi, Israel, March 1, 2020

Will the Coronavirus Crisis Accelerate Israel’s West Bank Annexation – or Derail It?

Daniel B. Shapiro | 23.04.2020
An election banner depicts Kachol Lavan leader Benny Gantz and Israel Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Tel Aviv, Israel, February 17, 2020

Call Yourself a Friend? Then Stop Israel’s West Bank Annexation Disaster

Guy Ziv | 06.05.2020
Then U.S. Vice President, now Democratic Part presidential contender Joe Biden, speaking in Jerusalem. March 9, 2016

Biden, Show Trump What 'pro-Israel' Really Means. Oppose West Bank Annexation

Blake Flayton | 03.05.2020
Worshippers carry a cross into the Church of the Holy Sepulcher during the Good Friday procession in Jerusalem's Old City March 25, 2016.

Donald Trump Is Complicit in a Catastrophe for Christians

Munther Isaac, Jamal Khader | 06.05.2020
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu chairs the weekly cabinet meeting in Jerusalem, February 9, 2020

Benjamin Netanyahu’s Second-rate Jews

Anshel Pfeffer | 08.05.2020
Pittsburgh’s Rodef Shalom Rabbi Aaron Bisno delivers his sermon to an empty synagogue, during an Erev Shabbat service streamed live on Facebook. March 20, 2020

Will the Coronavirus Lockdown Fatally Weaken American Jewish Life?

Eric H. Yoffie | 04.05.2020
Members of Jerusalem's tiny Armenian community demonstrate in front of the Israeli Foreign Ministry in Jerusalem to demand Israel recognize the Armenian genocide. Oct. 22, 2007

The Jews Who Befriended Turkey and Became Genocide Deniers

Marc David Baer | 23.04.2020
The Israeli undercover combat unit led by Doron Kavillio (center) goes into Gaza in 'Fauda' series three

‘Fauda’ Isn't Just Ignorant, Dishonest and Sadly Absurd. It's anti-Palestinian Incitement

George Zeidan | 24.04.2020 - הארץ
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