You must update Google Chrome | Wireless carriers make billions on your capped data | How much YouTube are kids watching?
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Frightening new tactic lets hackers steal texts on a large scale

It's easy to assume hackers are always after money, but did you know some hackers are after more frightening things, like government information? Some hackers are hired to break into extremely sensitive files that can be used in political, economic and environmental wars. One Chinese state-sponsored hacking group was caught stealing texts from military and government agencies. We'll tell you how they're doing it and what it means.

Tap or click to learn the frightening details of this new hack tactic.

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Consumer Tech Update

How much YouTube are kids really watching?

Entertainment is more on-demand than ever, and we're not just talking about streaming services. For kids today, YouTube has replaced plain old TV, and the number watching each day is staggering.

Tap or click here to listen to the latest Consumer Tech Update.

Should you pay for unlimited data or a capped wireless plan?

Should you pay for unlimited data or a capped wireless plan?

Everyone has a data plan for their smartphone these days. Some people think they save big money by sticking with the old capped wireless plan, while others believe the high price for an unlimited plan is better — so who is right? We'll compare unlimited and capped data plans to help you decide which one better suits your needs. You might just be surprised.

Tap or click to find out if you should be paying for an unlimited data plan.

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Top Story

Update Chrome now! Patch keeps your computer safe from hijackers

Update Chrome now! Patch keeps your computer safe from hijackers

If you use Google Chrome, don't miss this. Two new zero-day vulnerabilities in the popular browser could allow a hacker to hijack your computer. Google released an important update to patch the vulnerabilities, and it's imperative you download it to keep your computer safe. We'll tell you how the flaws allow someone to take over your system and what to do about it.

Click or tap to learn how to protect your web browser.

Boost your freelance writing career with these helpful software tools

If you're a freelance writer, you already know that you need the best tools and software to help you succeed in your craft. We're talking about tools that can help streamline day to day work, as well as save time and money. That way, you can do what you do best ⁠— focus on growing as a freelance writer.

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Here are 3 software tools to streamline your freelance writing career

Watch-Worthy Video

Komando DIY: How to sign a PDF on your Mac or PC

Komando DIY: How to sign a PDF on your Mac or PC

Think back to the last time you had to sign a digital document. Did you print, sign, scan and email it? What a hassle. In this Komando DIY, we'll show you a simpler way to put your signature on a document using your PC or Mac.

Click or tap for this practical tech tip you’ll use time and again.

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  2. Google's biggest update in years will change the way you search. Click or tap to see what it is.
  3. 8 must-have smart gadgets for Seniors. Click or tap to check them out.
  4. Alert: Sophisticated email scam is on the rise. Click or tap to learn how to protect yourself.
  5. Check your phone for these dangerous apps with 335 million installs. Click or tap to see what they are.

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'Alexa, play The Kim Komando Show'

Your Amazon smart speaker just learned something new. You can now listen to The Kim Komando Show right on your Alexa speaker. Just say, "Alexa, play The Kim Komando Show" to subscribe and start listening!

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“ help me, Dog.” Labrador is sworn in at state’s attorney’s office

When you land a higher level government job, part of the initiation process is getting sworn in. Usually, this involves placing a hand upon a law or holy book, reciting a vow and pledging your service to your department. But what happens when a newly hired member of the Illinois state attorney’s office isn’t a human being? Well, that question was answered thanks to Hatty, the first service dog sworn in at the department. Her job is to provide comfort and relief to children and assault victims attending trials — and just like a human employee, she was sworn in under ceremony with her paw on a law book. Unfortunately, nobody has answered Hatty whether term limits apply in dog years…

Dogs can change lives. That’s why this prison rehab program pairs inmates with them.

Click or tap to see how one prisoner turned his life around thanks to his furry friend.

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