March 8, 2016

From Chewy to Crisp: 12 Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipes for Every Taste

Of all the cookies in the world (and there are many to choose from), there is a special place in our hearts for chocolate chip cookies. The smell of melting chocolate mingling with vanilla-scented dough takes us straight back to childhood sleepovers...Read More
From Chewy to Crisp: 12 Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipes for Every Taste

How to Host a ‘Game of Thrones’ Dinner Party

The eagerly anticipated new season of Game of Thrones is just one month away. We’ve had the date circled in our calendars ever since the dramatic end of season five in June last year, and now that we’re only a month away from the return of our...Read More

8 Small Snacks to Sneak Into the Movies

We absolutely love going to the movies. Spending an evening gazing up at the big screen, surrounded by overwhelming sounds, snacking on handful after handful of popcorn, and sipping on an oversized soda is our favorite way to while away a few hours...Read More

The World’s Wildest Potato Chip Flavors

It’s hard to imagine, but there was once a time when sour cream and onion-flavored potato chips were considered outrageous. Yes, the noble potato chip is one of the most amazing flavor vessels known to man, but adding flavored seasonings to potato...Read More
Potato Chips

19 Brunch Recipes That Will Make Your Weekend So Much Better

During the work week breakfast and elaborate meals are not always an option. You grab a cup of coffee, a granola bar, and you’re out the door to work. The weekends are a perfect time to go in the kitchen and treat yourself and whip up a scrumptious...Read More

The Worst (and Grossest) Things That Can Happen to Your Protein Shaker Bottle

If you consider yourself a fitness enthusiast and don’t own at least one shaker bottle to mix your protein in, we urge you to reconsider your priorities. Regardless of whether you’re shaking up whey straight from the cow’s udder or a plant-based...Read More
shaker bottle

9 Healthiest Breakfast Cereals to Enjoy and 6 Unhealthy Options to Avoid at All Costs

The cereal aisle offers one of the most colorful displays in every grocery store. With dozens of boxes vying for your attention and, eventually, your hard-earned cash and calories, it can be tempting to stick with what you know. Many traditional...Read More

Why Is Everybody Drinking Hard Cider? Here Are 10 Good, Delicious Reasons

You may be surprised to learn that hard cider was all the rage in England during the 1600s and that it was brought it over to America by the Pilgrims. As the colonies started to form, settlers preferred not to drink the rancid water that was often...Read More
Here’s why hard cider is trending as the beverage of choice.

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