Our investigative team’s reporting reaches the Supreme Court
You know that high-quality, independent journalism matters profoundly to a healthy democracy. At MPR | APM, we are committed to dependably delivering that for local, regional and national audiences. As someone who turns to MPR News for trusted information and insight, we want to be sure you know about In the Dark, an investigative journalism podcast from APM Reports. Why? Its journalism has had a high-profile, national impact.
In March, the U.S. Supreme Court heard Flowers v. Mississippi, a case that includes our reporting from the second season of In the Dark. We expect the court’s decision any day. It will determine if the prosecutor engaged in racial discrimination in jury selection.
As the host of In the Dark and on behalf of our incredible team, I’m proud to share this journalism with you. Our first season –which investigated why the Jacob Wetterling case took so long to solve– won a Peabody award. Our most recent season, which was called one of the best podcasts of the year by The New Yorker, was the first podcast to be honored with a George Polk award, a prestigious accolade that celebrates investigative journalism. Our journalism is only possible because of people like you who appreciate and support an independent, rigorous, and free press.
If you subscribe to the APM Reports e-newsletter today, we’ll send you a one-hour recap of In the Dark Season Two to help you catch up. Plus, you’ll get an email as soon as the Supreme Court makes its decision. You also can listen to all In the Dark episodes wherever you listen to podcasts.